
Archive: filing for nonprofit

Financial Resources: 501(c)3 Annual Audit Checklist

It’s National Checklist Day! In NY state, 501(c)3’s with budgets between $250,000-750,000 are required to undergo an annual independent review, while organizations with budgets over $750,000 are required to undergo an annual independent audit. While each state’s requirements vary and auditor’s each have their own custom documentation lists,… Read the full story

October 30, 2020

Financial Resources: Form 990 Filing Extension

Form 990 now due July 15 The Internal Revenue Service has now extended the deadline for tax-exempt organizations to file their federal Form 990 to July 15. Form 990s are usually required to file the Form 990 no later than four and a half months after their… Read the full story

May 1, 2020