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truce songs
Running time: 60 minutes (Performed with live music)
Conceived and Directed by David Dorfman
Visual Designer: Andrew Schneider
Original Score: Samuel Crawford, Liz de Lise
Costume Designer: Naoko Nagata
David Dorfman Dance’s truce songs is a wild and personal meditation on peace with self and others. It asks “what if we surrendered first”; “what if we fought differently”; “what if we changed the roles we play?” And then: how far can we push ourselves in the direction of those imagined outcomes? Visuals by Andrew Schneider, costumes by Naoko Nagata and live music by Lizzy de Lise and Sam Crawford, truce songs is devised dance/theater for all audiences. Performers include David Dorfman, Jack Blackmon, Michaela Ellingson, Lily Gelfand, Kashia Kancey, Nik Owens, Lisa Race and Claudia-Lynn Rightmire. Come experience truces in the making.
(A)Way Out Of My Body (2021)
Running time: Approx. 60 minutes, no intermission. (Performed with live music)
Conceived and Directed by David Dorfman
Visual Designer: Andrew Schneider
Original Score: Samuel Crawford, Zeb Gould, Jeff Hudgins, Liz de Lise
Costumes: Oana Botez
(A)Way Out of My Body uses “out of body” experience as a metaphor for our times and our body politic. DDD’s bodies propel themselves through space and time, attempting to pass the barrier of reality and plight into the realm of positivity and growth. This collective story of searching for personal “truths” among fantastical sensations is seen through breath-taking visuals by the brilliant theater maker Andrew Schneider, and heard through an evocative original score played live by our house band, highlighting the otherworldly-ness of our dreams, desires, our every day, and new worlds awaiting us.
Virtual Programming
BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Virtual Presentation
A behind-the-scenes look into the choreographic process and themes behind David Dorfman’s work. Brief excerpts of the work are screened and discussed with company members and collaborators which may include multimedia artist Andrew Schneider, musicians Sam Crawford, Jeff Hudgins, Liz de Lise, and Zeb Gould. Event may be tailored to meet the needs of presenter and their audience.
Technology: Zoom is required or similar platform provided by presenter.
Presenter to provide virtual stage manager to run the technology and stage manage the event.
Company requests a virtual technical rehearsal approx. two weeks before the event to run through the technology and ensure a smooth run.
Running time: 50-60 minutes (30-40 minute presentation/talk followed by 10-20 minute Q&A.)
Virtual Visit with Choreographer David Dorfman
An intimate evening discussion with David led by (Maura Keefe, David Kyuman Kim) in which they walk through the decades of David’s career starting from the moment he decided to make the move from majoring in business to making dance his life’s work. He’ll share how dance has created the lens through which he seeks to make positive societal change and to heal – ultimately working to spread the word that “movement is necessary:” physical movement, societal, communal and more. The evening will inspire you to make moves of your own.
VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE with David Dorfman Dance / Collaboration in Real Time
Join David and DDD dance artists for an evening of interactive movement exploration. David and company will share insight into how the company’s motto: “Movement is Necessary” informs how they all choreograph movement for stage and life. David’s trademark style of humor combined with physical metaphor will emerge as a tool for living and inspiring others through these tumultuous times.
MAKING MOVEMENT COUNT with David Dorfman Dance
Dancers, Musicians, and You! Join David Dorfman Dance for a virtual evening of dance, music and conversation. Imagine an entire dance company comes to your home and gives you an intimate glimpse into what it means to make movement art a way of life. You’ll leave feeling inspired and charged to continue positive presence during these bizarre times. Personnel includes: David Dorfman, 5 Dancers, 2-4 Musicians.
David + 1-2 company members
25 Students Max
60 minute workshop
How can we acknowledge efforts of everyday people to make sense of their lives, especially in terms of struggles with forces of discrimination, alienation, violence and dehumanization? As joy is sought, how do our bodies lead the way, react, or change?
PCW is a movement-thought lab aimed at deriving how our bodies “represent” ourselves, and how the notion of representation, presence, and agency in regard to societal behaviors in general, and those attached to citizenship in particular, govern our actions – and by extension, how our actions are governed. The workshop will be collaborative and improvisational, exploring the complex relationships between thought, emotions, politics, principles, power, social inequality, and movement/dance/text.
One workshop or (3) three day/three workshop series option
David + 2 company members
25 Students Max
60 minute workshop
Description: Class begins with movement assignments in a Zoom class to get the students moving and expressing about their bodies and their personal/societal politics. The students are then divided into Breakout Rooms to do assignments in real time with their colleagues. The assignments are recorded and then the groups come back together to watch everyone’s contributions.
Multiple workshop option: If there are multiple workshop days, then the students will receive overnight assignments that can be loaded onto a Google Drive and are watched jointly for discussion.
Engagement Activities
David Dorfman Dance excels in community outreach activities. The company has vast experience working with presenters to tailor workshops for special audiences around the world. Specialized offerings include, but are not limited to, workshops for students with learning disabilities and/or anyone with limited movement capabilities.
DDD Workshops
Movement is Necessary – for everbody
(no previous dance experience necessary)
For DDD’ movement of our precious bodies – in any way, shape, or form – is important. In our unpredictable world, filled with daily obstacles of all kinds, how do we navigate toward positive change, resilience and empathic behavior? Our answer is to dance through life with each other: safely and with magical risk appropriate for the occasion. We need to move in new directions – discover paths we have only dreamt of. By employing improvisation combined with choreographed sequences, dancers of all ages and experiences can find joy and discovery in this workshop. We will have fun! Running time: TBD
Kinetic Play
David Dorfman Dance has worked throughout the world for decades combining text and movement to access personal, political, and humorous stories – blending seamlessly both literal and abstract notions of presence, equity and agency. During this workshop, participants will move, write and speak to their most pressing issues. As our intent is always to “get the whole world dancing”, to this end, no previous dance experience is required – just a willingness to explore. If we can all move together, especially with people unfamiliar to us, we can make a more empathic world in real time. The workshop will be collaborative and improvisational, exploring the complex relationships between thought, emotions, politics, principles, power, social inequality, and movement/dance/text. Running time: TBD
Moving with Momentum
(Modern/Post-Modern Technique)
Material will range in styles from release-based post-modern work connecting with the floor, to an eclectic standing modern class. Concepts such as a weighted and grounded approach to movement, harnessing the body’s momentum and force (“throwing your weight around”), varying approaches to physical contact, emphasis on intent and focus, and compositional choices through improvisation may be included. Running time 60-90 minutes.
Seniors Get Down
Tailored to our Senior population, movement of our precious bodies – in any way, shape, or form – becomes all important. By employing improvisation combined with choreographed sequences (line dancing, disco and more!). Seniors with any level of dance experience (or none!) can find joy and discovery in this workshop. In our unpredictable world, filled with daily obstacles of all kinds, how do we navigate toward positive change, resilience and empathic behavior? Our answer is to dance through life with each other: safely and with magical risk appropriate for the occasion. We need to move in new directions—discover paths we have only dreamt of. Running time 60 minutes.
Choreographing Life with DDD
Students will study choreography as social and personal commentary. Working in class on both solo and group projects, students will be encouraged to find compositional means for exploring areas about which they are passionate. Selections of Dorfman’s repertory works may be taught as aids in broadening individuals’ performing range. Exposure to these dances will provide a common basis for the study and discussion of different aspects of the choreographic process. Running time 60-90 minutes.
Other Topics for Classes:
Workshops for Dancers: Workshops are available for dance students at a variety of levels, in most styles.
Text and Movement
Improvisational Techniques
DDD Repertory
Classes for Athletes
What To Do When You’re Stuck
Schooltime Matinee
This accessible program for young audiences gives students first-hand experience on dance, video, performance and the creative process. Performances of the evening work, (A)Way Out Of My Body or truce songs, can be arranged either with the students brought to the theater or as an assembly program at the school. DDD perform sections of their repertory and show how they incorporate video, innovative movement, partnering and original music into their works. Student audience participation is often included and study guides for teachers are available. Running time: 50 minutes + 10 minute Q+A Session
Grade range: Grade 6-High-School
Artist Talk / Lecture/Demonstration
Lec/Dem is available for groups such as Rotary, Kiwanis, senior homes and local athletic teams. These events can be held anywhere from a local gymnasium to an open area in a senior home. The lec/dem focuses on the interrelationship between dance and athletic or pedestrian/everyday movement. Excerpts from repertory are performed-assuming the site allows-to demonstrate these points. The company also has a lecture demonstration appropriate for dance departments or dance knowledgeable audiences. This program analyzes David Dorfman’s choreography, how he makes and assembles his work, where the movement comes from, and meanings intended with the various dances. The company performs excerpts from repertory. Running time: 50 minutes + 10 minute Q+A Session
Pre and post-performance discussions available and encouraged.
“…[Dorfman] has never shied away from openhearted explorations of self and society, channeling big ideas into raw hyper-athletic movement that calls for go-for-broke dancers.”
The New York Times
“Dorfman's very individual choreography is full of entrancing contrasts, and, lord, what dancing!"
The Village Voice
“...his resilience is remarkable.”
Bloomberg News