
Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month : Sarah Suzuki

May is Asian and Pacific Islander (AAPI) American Heritage Month! Join us this month in celebrating the staff and artists who make up Pentacle’s diverse community.

Get to know Fiscal Associate, Sarah Suzuki! As many of you know, Sarah’s expertise in all things fiscal has helped numerous Pentacle artists over the past 4 years. This May sadly also marks the end of her time at Pentacle as she is leaving us this month to join the American Shakespeare Center’s summer season! Need your Shakespeare fix this summer? Be sure to watch her in action! Thank you, Sarah, for your service to the arts, we will miss you!

Fiscal Associate Sarah Suzuki is a biracial woman with long dark brown hair. She is wearing a light blue shirt.

What does Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month mean to you?
“Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the diversity within our community. The AAPI community is incredibly wide-ranging, so it’s refreshing to be able to acknowledge that the Asian American experience is not as monolithic as it might be made out to be.”
What does it mean to you to work at a diverse inclusive organization like Pentacle?
“I’m not sure if everyone is aware of this, but we have five half Asians at Pentacle (soon to be four, once I leave). It’s been so nice to share the experience of being mixed race with other members of the team. Also, it would be super boring to work at an organization that was not diverse or inclusive!”
Who within the AAPI community do you dream of collaborating with? Why?
“I would like to star in a movie where myself, Sandra Oh, and Awkwafina play super spies. They both seem like wonderful people and are such talented artists. It would be a dream to work with them.”
Photo credit: Todd Estrin Photography