Financial Services

Fiscal Administration

Fiscal Administration is an all-inclusive program designed for 501(c)(3) arts organizations. The company works directly with a dedicated administrator who handles all of the fiscal tasks including bookkeeping, financial reporting, payroll administration, receipt of income and payment of bills.

Fiscal Administration

Fiscal Sponsorship

Fiscal Sponsorship offers unincorporated artists, companies and other entities the legal and tax-exempt benefits of a 501(c)(3) corporation without the challenges of incorporating. Pentacle’s two Fiscal Sponsorship programs offer different levels of program engagement and can be used by artists at all stages of their careers.


Unique Projects


Pentacle provides consulting and mentoring related to all financial matters associated with developing, producing and presenting work and programs, and building a stable infrastructure that fits your needs and work culture.

Consulting >

Cash Advance Program

The Cash Advance Program seeks to introduce artists and arts organizations to other avenues for financing their work and programming.

Cash Advance Program >

For more information, please contact:

Caterina Bartha

Caterina Bartha

CFO and Director of Financial Services

212.278.8111 ext. 3428

Harry Sukonik

Harry Sukonik

Fiscal Associate

212.278.8111 ext. 3420
