Image Descriptions & Photographer Credits for TRL 2025 APAP Postcard



A grid of nine colorful images, organized 3 by 3, overlays a white background. Directly under each image reads the name of the corresponding dance artist/company.

Image descriptions (left to right, top to bottom):

Baye & Asa – Five dancers dressed in flowing, dark grey long sleeve shirts and pants are photographed in mid-air. They are arranged in a circle and face the left side. They are suspended in a “stag” postion, where both legs are bent at the knees with one in front and one in back, and their arms are swooshing behind them. Photo by Maria Baranova.

2nd Best Dance Company – Two dancers carry a third dancer over their heads in a precarious, elongated, tipped position. They wear pedestrian costumes, including plaid wool pants and red t-shirts with a long-sleeved underlayer of mesh.The stage is bathed in pink light and audience members watch in the background. Photo by Manuela Soldi.

Amanda Szeglowski / cakeface – One dancer, front and center, steps toward the camera with open arms and a bright smile. Three additional dancers, also with joyfully animated facial expressions, are posed behind her as if they’re anticipating traveling to the front of the stage to  join. Behind them is a set that includes a large crumpled brown paper backdrop, and an additional dancer sits at a sewing machine table in the background.

SOLE Defined – Two smiling dancers perform a tap duet with raised arms, levitating in the air, with the New York skyline in the background. One wears a white shorts jumper with bright orange splashes of color, and the other wears a pants version with blue splashes of color. Photo courtesy of Battery Dance Festival.

slowdanger – Two white, non binary folks with dark brown hair are intertwined against a grey back drop. In this dark photo, anna wraps their leg around taylor’s face as taylor lunges and leans into the light. Photo by Anita Buzzy Prentiss.

sugar vendil/isogram – A dancer sits cross-legged on the floor, facing the right side, and has just thrown a paper airplane that is mid-flight across the image. There is a piano partially seen in the background, and the backdrop is designed with stark geometric lines that form large triangles. The stage is bathed in yellow light.

EMERGE125 – Two dancers, a white female and black male, are extending their left legs and right arms in opposition. Their feet are flexed and their energy exudes strength and liveliness. They wear brown costumes. Photo by Tony Turner.

GRIDLOCK Dance – Madeline Maxine Roman, a white woman with short, curly, blonde hair, is lying on the floor of a blackbox theater stage. One leg is extended above her head with a flexed foot, and the other is lengthened toward the camera with her toes on the ground. Her arms and hands reach between her legs, with her head and gaze looking through her legs. She is dimly lit with blue light. Photo by Elyse Mertz.

PUSH Dance Company – A dancer has one hand on the ground and extends into an arch with one leg extended long toward the ground. She wears black shorts and a tank top, and the background is a black drape. Photo by Matt Haber.
