Pentacle relies on the generosity of our community to help artists focus on what they do best - create works of art!

Pentacle is...


Pentacle offers services and programming created in direct response to the ever-evolving needs of the performing arts community. We are not only observant and attentive to the needs of the field, but ever-adaptive in our capacity to embrace new opportunities in support of our artists.


Valuing a down-to-earth approach, we provide artists with dependable arts management support based on decades of experience. Pentacle is a trustworthy partner to those who are looking for high-quality, well-rounded support from an established industry leader.


Everyone is welcome at Pentacle. We help a huge range of dance and theater artists manage their artmaking across a broad range of ages, stage of career, level of recognition, and aesthetic preference. Our open enrollment services make this is a place for all artists to get the support they need.


Pentacle is known for the warmth of our staff, our supportive and knowledgeable leadership, and our focus on education and artist development throughout all of our programs. Artists are treated with one-on-one attention and care, and given the resources, encouragement, and support they need to excel.  
